The 60th Meeting of the ISCWSA is scheduled to take place in New Orleans on 26th September 2024, in conjunction with the SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition. Subcommittee working group meetings are scheduled for 25th September. For access to attend the Subcommittee meeting, you must pre-register with the appropriate Subcommittee Chair.


Click here for registration and viewing the agenda .



 ACTION: Please review the new ISCWSA SPE - WPTS Constitution and bring feedback to the NOLA meeting.


Keynote Speaker : John deWardt

"Looking Back, Looking Now, Looking Forward – the path of wellbore surveying"


In 1980, Chris Wolff and John published their landmark paper on borehole position uncertainty commonly called the ‘Wolff and de Wardt systematic error model’ (SPE 9223). Since that time John has been a borehole survey accuracy advocate as chair and committee member on SPE WPTS technical workshops, in various industry presentations and as a consultant to many oil companies globally.


He has authored 46 published papers and articles and led 21 industry forums, workshops and symposiums. John is a Distinguished Lecturer of SPE in 1995 / 96 and 2020 / 21. He has been a member of SPE for 45 years, and remains a key contibrutor to Drilling Systems Automation.


John’s history and accomplishments can be found on linkedin at