ICT Europe
- Focus on depth determination
- Consulting, operations, reconciliation, audit, training
- Driller’s depth
- Wireline depth
- Uncertainty
- API RP-78 depth data compliance
What Depth ?
- What issue ?? Issue to who ?
- What accuracy looks like API RP-78 – requirement for uncertainty
- Driller’s and wireline differences & similarities
- The issue of correction
- Tension regime and correction
- Way-point – for wireline and driller’s
- Can you now know what depth is ? …..
What Is The Issue With Depth ?
- Driller’s versus wireline depths
- Deeper = bigger the difference
- Deeper = bigger spread
- Equal spread between wireline companies
- Can we rely on depth data ?
What Do We Mean With “Accuracy” ?
- Seismic from 2-way time = 2.5 – 2.6 miles
- Log depth = 4,103.753 m
API RP-78 Depth QA-QC
- Objective:
- To recommend standard practices that deliver consistency and accuracy in along-hole depth information, by minimizing errors associated with depth measurement systems, and provide data reporting standards.
- Result:
- API RP-78 conformant along-hole depth data will include an uncertainty statement
View the entire Presentation:
What Depth? Driller’s Depth Determination
Harald Bolt