
This document was written by the Collision Avoidance Work Group of the ISCWSA. Recommendations are based on consensus within the Work Group; no greater authority is claimed.

The ISCWSA document Current Common Practice in Collision Avoidance Calculations, states: “The adoption of a particular minimum allowable separation rule, no matter how conservative, does not ensure acceptably low probability of collision. Many other factors contribute, including the level of compliance by office and rig personnel with collision avoidance procedures, and the completeness and correctness of the directional database.” This document describes a process, which, if properly executed, will help assure well placement integrity and thereby avoid well collisions.

Eight requirements for successful collision avoidance management have been identified. Failure to meet any one of them can result in unintentional collision with a well or other hazard.

These requirements are equally important to the successful achievement of all other well positioning objectives such as target intersection and relief well intersection.


Read the Full Report

The Fundamentals of Successful Well Collision Avoidance Management